[November 23, 2024]: Sadly, the author and personal sites for MK Eidson were hit by hackers and no longer contain content of any significance. The sites were mkeidson.com and trollmystic.com. The free generator tools that were available on trollmystic.com are gone, and we’re sad about that. However, we won’t be spending any time trying to revive those two sites. We’ll do something with the domain names, but not sure what yet.
[May 11, 2024]: The second edition of Undone, volume 2 of our Head Hoppers series, has been released. Changes were made based on feedback received from readers, and include a rewrite of the story primarily from the viewpoint of Morrow, the avatar, rather than Nick, the player. A large portion of the content was removed and eight new chapters added, to help make this second edition of the story a better fit for the GameLit/LitRPG genre.
There are no plans to make second editions of other volumes in the series. We have, however, updated the covers for the first two books in the series, so they better fit the style used for the covers of the other three books in the series. Take a look below at the new covers. Click a book’s cover art image below for purchasing opportunities for that book.
We aim to bring you thought-provoking entertainment, whether it be speculative fiction, puzzles, games, music, or something else.
Speculative Fiction
Our five-book Head Hoppers GameLit/LitRPG liminal isekai series features an alien invasion of not only Earth, but the multiverse. Our heroes and heroines must train in the game world of Khertaan so they can face the inter-dimensional invaders and have a chance of defeating them.
Huntress of Avaleor is our first speculative fiction short offering. Bryn and her friends find themselves thrown into the middle of a rebellion occurring on a world not their own. Can they outsmart their high-tech abductors and find a way back home? Available in multiple formats, including Kindle, epub, PDF, paperback, and audio book.
Puzzle Books
Check out our latest puzzle book, 200 Word Clue Puzzles, available in paperback on Amazon. Do you love word puzzles? Do you know lots of five-letter words? In each of these 200 puzzles, you’re given clues as to the presence and/or positions of letters in the mystery word. Can you decipher the clues and find all the answers? Common to all the puzzles: Every answer is a five-letter word from the English language, and every letter in the solution only appears once within the word.
Here’s an example set of clues:
E is the 1st, 2nd, or 5th letter.
S is the 1st, 2nd, or 4th letter.
B is the 1st, 4th, or 5th letter.
Can you guess the mystery word?
The intended solutions are presented in the back of the book. So, put on your thinking cap and brush up on your vocabulary. An entire book of word clue puzzles awaits you to solve them.
Game Books
Our newest game book is Voodoo, Virus & Bad Eggs and Other Trick-Capturing Card Games. Love the game of Spades? This book is for you. Inside you’ll find the rules for a dozen trick-capturing card games, some fairly similar to Spades, but all with creative differences. Change the bids of other players in the game of Voodoo, avoid taking certain cards in the games of Virus and Bad Eggs, play cards face-down in the games of Downers and Blind High No-Match, or change the rules mid-game in Mods. A condensed version of the rules for Spades is included for anyone unfamiliar with them.
Available on Amazon and DriveThruRPG is Enchantment Chess by MK Eidson and Dave Eidson. Alternate rules for a chess-like game, with brand new types of pieces, including the two-square Giant, the three-to-four-square Dragon, and twin Mages which must both be captured to win the game.
Electronic Music
Available now on Bandcamp, Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, Pandora, and Deezer: Antiviral by Max Gumdrop. From the minds of MK Eidson, Emila H Thicke, and the woman who gives the group their name, Max Gumdrop. Electronic music in a variety of genres, created by the group during the pandemic to help take their minds off the pandemic, hoping it could help do the same for others.
PDF Options
For PDF purchasing options on some of our titles, visit the Eposic store on DriveThruFiction.
Amazon Storefront
Visit MK Eidson’s Author Central page to browse through all his books available on Amazon. This page includes titles co-authored with Dave Eidson and with Emila H Thicke.